Ground c.1870 |
1. Nathan Goldberg (names: Biblical prophet, Yiddish
"Natan", "Nosn" or "Nuta" &
widespread Jewish name.) Father named as Jacob in burial register. No likely naturalisation certificate found;
had been in England by 1860 (Hannah's birth), in 1871 census at 9 Freeman Street,
Spitalfields, just west of Commercial Street, in the Tenter
Ground area (five streets cheaply built for letting out
in 1820 on a former fabric stretching ground, five rooms in
two stories [see Jacobus's article]; White's Row had cowshed
in the 1878 sale). Freeman St RV was £16 in 1872;
proprietor Abrahams (also of seven other houses); no
directory entries for entire street (too poor). These
streets, demolished in 1926, were occupied largely by poor
Ashkenazi Jews coming from Holland in the 1850s with whom
Nathan would not have had a common language.
Ordnance Survey
map, 1874, (left) shows Freeman Street in the centre
and the position of 65 Commercial St (built subsequently) - see Para 5e.
No definitive
record has been found of Nathan's birth place, though one
single entry for a "Nuta Goldberg", born 1837 in
Sochocin (located 52.41' 20.28' - approx 30m NW of Warsaw),
Plock Gubernia, Warszawa Province (Film 689626), is
the only record so far identified as possible from Polish
archives. It has been suggested that his trip from Poland (where Goldbergs proliferated) to London's Tenter Ground
may have been overland via Holland, though if he found Rebecca
Rogenstein in Biezun en route he could have been on his way
to a northern port such as Gdansk.
census entry for 9 Freeman St, Tenter Ground:
Nathan Goldberg - Head - Ladies Bagmaker - born
Poland - Age 34 [so born 2 Apr 1836-7]
Rebecca - Wife - Poland - 33 [1837-8]
Hannah [later Annie] - Daughter - Scholar -
Middlesex - Bishopsgate - 10 [1860-61] actually Sep '61, E.
Amelia - Daughter - Scholar - Middlesex - Spitalfields
- 8 [1862-3] actually 8 May 1863
Louis - Son - infant - Middlesex - Spitalfields
- 2 [1868-9] actually Jul-Sep 1869
Also in no.9
was Meyer Osterman, general dealer from Holland, his wife
& two children, and their servant Catherine Francis. Neighbouring
houses had up to 18 inhabitants and included numerous cigar
makers from Holland (by far the commonest profession throughout
the Tenter Ground area).
Nathan's "ladies
bag-making" was unusual job (unique to that area);
ca 70 bagmakers in '71 commercial directory but none specified
as "ladies"; not known if he worked at home. He
was also described in Amelia's 1863 birth registration as
"bagmaker"; later as "general dealer"
at his death in 1872. Nathan died of "consumption many
months", not certified by a physician (presumably
not affordable), registered by a non-english-writing neighbour,
as 11 Feb 1872 at 9 Freeman St; burial 13 Feb arranged by
Hambro Syn. (founded 1706 - one of the three old city congregations).
His name is written on the Burial Authorisation in Hebrew
script: "Natan ben Yakov", ie Nathan, son of Jacob,
his father therefore was Jacob Goldberg. To be confirmed
whether Nathan's burial at Hackney or West Ham cemetery. His wife Rebecca was then to remarry Zyman Diamond in 18 months,
see para 3.
Bird Fair, Club Row, 1868
- Zyman Diamond's street

possible No. 17s
shown at this time
(1888 re-numbering also

Church Row house
(prob not original)
Mrs Rebecca Goldberg, widow, on 20 Aug 1873,
remarried (at the Great Synagogue) the widower (of
21 months) Zyman Diamond; his name was stated as
Alexander Diamond - he was known as "Yehiel (or
Yechiel) Alexander the Cohen". Rebecca, unable
to write in English, signed with a mark. The Chief Rabbi officiated.
The address of each was stated as 17 Church Row, Bethnal
Green (now re-named St Matthew's Row running south from
Bethnal Green Rd. The churchyard was on east side, the small
house on west side - either third south or third north of
Busby Street [street now vanished] - see 1888 MBW renumbering
plan, left). There was no resident listed at no.17 in
1870/3 directories, though no.18 was Birt, a paperhanger.
The 1899 survey suggests a low (5-25%) proportion of
Jewish residents in this area. The church, bombed & restored,
survives in its green, while the 3-storey Carpenters Arms
pub (indicated facing the west end of Wood Close) with
original iron street name plaque (see right) is now
the only remaining original house.
(Sample of current housing on approx original site is shown
below left.) It is unlikely they both lived here; they
were evidently living near each other (cf 1871 census returns).
Rebecca was in
England in 1855 (her United Syn Burial Authorisation),
was said by Victor Ruben to be an ex-head teacher of
a Jewish school in the East End (7 possible ones listed
in Jewish Yearbook 1897, but no records extant), and to
have been chosen as a strict step-mother to Zyman's dtr Sarah
(aged ca 5) and taught Sarah deportment. She did not
stay with Zyman but returned to her own children by 1881 -
see below. She was born Poland Aug 1833-4 per her marriage
ca 1835 in the 1881 & '91 censuses (so 5-7 yrs older
than Zyman). Her first name would have been "Rivke"
in Yiddish, maiden surname was (at Amelia's birth)
[Similar versions eg Rubenstajn /-styn in Poland; unusual
variant of not uncommon Rubenstein (precious stones were
said to be chosen when surnames were selected because of 12
stones in chief priest's breastplate) for which the Jewish
encyclopaedias have 19c biogs from Russia & Austria, some
family records in Jerusalem; Polish records, noted below,
identify a likely family.]
Her surname was
later recorded as Rogenstein in her (second)
marriage certificate, where her father was recorded as Abraham
Rogenstein. No R(e)ubenstein birth has been found
in Poland with her known first name(s) around 1833-5. The
only Rogenstein family recorded as living in Poland
at the time of her birth fits with a family living in Biezun,
Plock Gubernia, Warszawa Province, located approx 60m NW of
Warsaw (52.58' 19.55'). Rebecca's London (Plashet)
gravestone (photo Para. 6) records her Hebrew name
as Bina Rivke Goldberg, daughter of Abraham; the Biezun
birth is recorded as Bidne Ryfke Rogenstein (1833)
born to Abram Moszek Rogenstein (age 56) and
Hena Jakubow (age 37) - ref. 730157. This seems
to fit, but proof still required, and an explanation of why
the Reubenstein /Rogenstein name variation might have occurred.
(See also footnote to Para.
Rebecca was surnamed
Diamond in 1881 and 1891 censuses but reverted to Goldberg
in 1901, described herself as born "Poland (Nat)"
presumably referring to a naturalisation acquired through
her second husband Zyman, as none is traced for Nathan in
the NA index, and as "Traveller wife" in 1881 census
- Zyman (a turner, not a pedlar) although now her husband
was not present then nor thereafter with her; he was in London
Jul 1879 at the death of his daughter Leah (see JC notice)
and said to have been travelling in South Africa in 1880-82.
(Cf other 1871/81 census entries: 'Hawker in jewellery
wife', 'Retired Jeweller wife', 'Tailor wife'.)
Carpenters Arms
showing (close-up below) new and old street names
Diamond c.1915
3. Zyman Diamond was born in Warsaw May 1842 (per his
Naturalisation Petition in 1896), or 1839-40 (marriage
reg'n 1871 & 1901 UK census returns). Zyman's first
wife's name was remembered as Miriam by his grandsons
Claude Diamond and Victor Ruben who said she died after Sarah's
birth probably 1868-9 per 1871 census (otherwise variously
dated to 1868-74; no birth on grave); her death handwritten
as Jewish date (=Nov 1870) in the family bible is wrong:
(It was inserted after 1901 and should have read one year
later.) Two granddaughters were named "Miriam".
She was residing, anglicized as Mary (not unusual
then in Anglo-Jewry, English version, via Maria, of Miriam) in 1871 at 9 Gascoigne Place (named after 18c landowner,
also spelt 'Gascoyne', as used by the census taker), Bethnal
Green, north of Virginia Row, a modest road with houses 12
ft wide, each with a yard at rear; No.9 on east side, no entries
in street directory, a single proprietor for the street in
1871 tax record, Rateable Value (RV) £12 in 1878;
the east side terrace housing and PH on Virginia Row survive
as rebuilt by 1894, Columbia market just to north was opened
1869 but shunned by local residents, Crab Tree Row renamed
Columbia Row, and the courts behind "in a wretched condition"
redeveloped in 1871, the name Brick Lane extended northwards (see VCH), the area again redeveloped after WW2;
census return, with wife and three children:
Simon Diamond - Head - Married - Wood Turner
- b. Poland - Age 31 [2 Apr 1839-40]
Mary - Wife - b. Warsaw - 30 [1840-41]
Leah - Daughter - b. Warsaw - 16 [1854-55; died
in Asylum 1879]
Isaac - Son - b. Warsaw - 13 [1857-58; to marry
Jane Goldstein]
Sarah - Daughter - b. England - 2 [1868-9; (act.
17/6/69) to marry Morris Ruben]

Gascoigne Place, sth of Crabtree Row (now Columbia Row), and
the house
as it is today. Click map for enlargement.
In 1877 Zyman
is in directory at 5 Club Row, north off Bethnal Green Rd (Club Row Bird Fair depicted in page header background) when Sarah was admitted in March to the Jewish Free School
(JFS) ; as occupier "Zymond Diamond" in 1878
rate book (no property owner named), RV £42 (neighbours
only £16); by Jul 1879 in Bateman's Row off Shoreditch
High St. |
Isaac Diamond c.1915
These people were among the steady flow of Jews who came to England before
the great number who immigrated from 1880; reasons for this
in Tsar Alexander II's reign include (as given by Rollins)
the 1855 Russian defeat in the Crimea and 1863 defeat by Russia
of Polish uprising; most of the men took to industry rather
than the traditional retailing. Economic betterment and avoidance
of military service were important influences. By 1800 many
richer Jews had moved from the E. End, their place taken by
poor immigrants living in or near the slum alleys and courts
between Houndsditch (where Mayhew noted Jewish shops &
mfrs in 1861) and "Petticoat Lane" old clothes
market where Jewish second-hand dealers traded; Jews gradually
took over entire streets (eg Naggar Ch 3).

Sq 2004
converted from E. India Warehouse

65 Commercial

31 Colvestone
Rebecca was living at:
(a) 1
Ebenezer Sq. (Portsoken Ward, City) with
Nathan at Amelia's birth in 1863.
(A circumcision was recorded in the sq in 1818, the first
schoolroom of the Jewish Free School was leased here in 1817,
and Jews were in the sq. in 1841 census and other dates from
1836, incl Cohen at No.2. in 1861. The sq had two parts,
opening by a passageway into Meeting House Yard; it was formed
in 1799, a sewer was laid in 1843, a 16 ft square without
rear yard, in a poor area, overshadowed by the massive E.
India Warehouse, some surviving though now converted to residence
and re-named Devonshire Square (see left) just within
the City. The surviving parish rate book of 1859 notes Joseph
Lipman as paying the 5 shillings annual rate, in 1861 census
a family of Lipman, a traveller at no.1; the 1863 land tax
assessment gives occupiers of the entire court as unnamed
"weekly tenants"; but in 1863 there were several
householders, presumably owners or lessees, registered as
parliamentary electors, mainly Jewish sounding names but not
at no.1; it was demolished in 1884 for Artizan's Street and
Dwelling, houses. Off that Yard also opened Saddlers Hall
Court where Jane Goldstein
was born in 1859. (In 1881 she married
Isaac Diamond; one may surmise a link between
Goldsteins and Goldbergs if there at the same time, so did
they keep in touch when both moved away - Goldsteins by 1860
went south to Ellen St?)
9 Freeman St, 1871,
see previous para 1.
17 Church Row, 1873
at second marriage, see para 2.
5 Club Row, up
to/including 1878-1880
according to Jewish Free School admission registers, where
her daughter Amelia Goldberg
is listed as being a pupil from Sep 1878-1880,
with her step-sister Sarah Diamond
a pupil from 1877-82. Sarah was listed as also living at this
address with her father Zyman. This is therefore the only
address we can presume that Rebecca and Zyman shared at the
outset of their marriage, though later censuses show that
they soon parted. According
to JFS records Amelia had previously been at school at the
Jews' Hospital, founded in 1807 at Mile End and which moved
to Norwood in 1863. (The Jews' Orphan Asylum had been founded
at Tenter Ground, Goodman's Fields, in 1831 and the two institutions
amalgamated in 1876 as the Jews' Hospital and Orphan Asylum,
later the Norwood Jewish Children's Society or more commonly
So it seems that she was sent away to Norwood, in school term
at least, before the age of 15 (pre-Sep 78), though
we don't yet know for how long.
65 Commercial St. (in
southern part, opened in 1845); opposite to Flower &
Dean St., on west side, midway between Wentworth St (Jews'
Infant School on corner) & Whites Row; near Freeman
St (see map in para 1).
March 1881
(directory entry 1877 none, 1882: David Crook, piece broker)
Rebecca Diamond - Head - Married - (Nat. ) Poland -
Traveller wife - 46 [so born 1834-5]
Amelia Goldberg - Daughter - Spitalfield, Middx
- Pupil Teacher - 17 [act. 8 May 1863]
Louis Goldberg - Son - Scholar - 11 [1869]
["Louis" is French version of the Celtic "Lewis",
probably from the Yiddish "Leib" from Ger. Loewe
(lion), connected to Heb. for lion.
36 Spital Sq on edge
of City Of London in the Liberty of Norton Folgate (red
boundary below) where they ocupied four rooms. (Named
from 12th c. priory hospital, occupied by silk weavers in
18th c; inhabitants not many foreign-born and these not Jewish
names; extra gas street lights installed in 1888 after "Ripper"
murders. From 1885 Isaac was member of German Syn which erected
a building in the sq. half a mile from Isaac's home at Bethnal
Gr Rd.) A four storey house, on south side, one house
from Spital Yard. No.37 (now SPAB - Society for Protection
of Ancient Buildings), survives from 1733. (The large
late 17th c. or early 18th c. mansion, originally no.34, was
divided into two residences ca 1830, being renumbered 34 &
35, while the former nos 35, 36 & 37 were each renumbered
one higher to 36, 37 & 38 respectively in the 1820s. No.36
looks like a late 19th c. commercial development, difficult
to date on stylistic grounds, a hoist hinged outside on 1st
flr; interior modern; to east of no.36 a former church hall
still remains.
5th April 1891: (directory
entry: 1892, Wolf Davis, fringe manufacturer.)
Rebecca Diamond - Head - Married - Poland - 56
Amelia Goldberg - Daughter - Single - London,
St Botolphs - Certificated Teacher - 27
Louis Goldberg - Son - Single - St Botolphs
- Assistant teacher - 21

36 Spital
Square, just west of Spitalfields Market, east of Bishopsgate.
One of few remaining original buildings now recently refurbished.
Click to enlarge.
Hannah/Annie is
not indexed in 1881 census probably now married [the names
GOLDBERG Harris were noted on her 1892 tombstone - possible
marriage to be followed up]. Since Rebecca was by the
1881 census not with Zyman, it seems they soon separated after
the 1873 marriage (& see para 6 below).
In 31 Mar 1901
Census she was named Rebecca Goldberg (70 !), no longer
wanting to be known as Zyman's wife (he was now in Holywell
Lane), living with Amelia (35) in Dalston, Hackney
("the first step upwards for the Whitechapel Jew"
Booth), in
31 Colvestone Crescent.
(just built by 1891
census) together with a Goldsmith family, a 4-storey terrace,
just seven doors from her son Louis
Goldberg and his family living at No.45
and less than half a mile's walk from Isaac
Diamond and his family in "solidly prosperous"
Graham Road (there by 1895). Also in No 45 as another
household were Esther Rosenberg
(Annie's widowed mother, age 62) & her son Mark
Rosenberg, 26 (a boot clicker - who cut
up leather for making boots; a skilled trade). In the
1903 street directory the Goldbergs do not have entries as
householders at either No 31 (Daniel Goldsmith is named)
or 45 (Isidore Jacobs), so presumably they were tenants/lodgers,
unlike Isaac in Graham Road. (Several other Jewish named
families were in that street, from the JC birth notices in
1893-4, eg at nos 18 & 38.)
by 1905 The
Home & Hospital for Jewish Incurables,
Tottenham (founded 1888). When the original building at Victoria
Park Road had become unsuitable in 1898, patients were moved
to Berthons, Wood Street, Walthamstow, and the lease of the
old property was sold. In 1896 the Board of Management purchased
four acres of land in High Road, Tottenham, where there was
a local Jewish population. After building work this new Home
was opened on 3 July 1903 by Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll.
It is not yet known if Rebecca was resident at former addresses.
(Southampton University Library holds registers - visit

Sq OS map

in 19th C.
(Click map to enlarge)

45 Colvestone
Rivke Goldberg, daughter of Abraham"
At Sarah's wedding in 1892, the JC notice refers merely to
Sarah as "only daughter of Z. Diamond", his wife
then being ignored. In 1901 census, at Holywell Lane Zyman
said he was 61, married (he was alone in household, his
wife not with him).
Donors to the Jewish Board of Guardians 1899-1904 include
a Mrs Goldberg or Mrs R. Goldberg giving half a guinea. Rebecca
was in the Tottenham Home at her death in 1905. She died of
Paralysis (per Burial auth'n)/ Hemiplegia (Death
certificate) presumably after a stroke, perhaps at her
previous address.
Two notices followed
her death in the JC issue of 31 Mar, 1905:
So her address
at death was still officially at No 31 according to her 3
children & the burial auth'n. She was separated from Zyman
(65, then at Graham Road), but he cared enough to insert
a separate notice (date of death incorrect; he was less
Jewishly knowledgeable than her children); a Shiva (mourning
prayers) was held at both Sarah's and Amelia's homes.
No probate was granted. She was buried on 27 March in the
United Synagogue's Plashet cemetery, at East Ham, Plot F5/16;
as a member (like Isaac) of Stoke Newington Syn.
(seating 750, opened in 1903 when it had 221 seat-holders;
it was in Shacklewell Lane, just north of Graham Rd).
She has a good quality, well preserved gravestone (see
left) named thereupon as "Binah (Hebrew inscription)
Rebecca Goldberg, daughter of Abraham, wife of the late Nathan
(Zyman died 15 years later in 1920, buried in Edmonton
cemetery. His memorial, erected in 1921 (see right), makes
no mention of Rebecca, nor his first wife Miriam. The inscription
says he was also mourned by unspecified "relatives"
which could include Rebecca's own descendants. Miriam Ruben
was also buried in Plashet, J 1/3, in 1908.)
Rebecca largely
forgotten: Although Flora and Claude Diamond were born
in 1894 and 1897 respectively they should have heard from
their grandfather Zyman about this later wife, their step-grandmother,
and should have met her. However only Victor Ruben, born 1903,
had a vague knowledge of her and she was not spoken of by
Zyman's children Isaac nor Sarah (Sarah being Victor's
The only other documented recollection was from her own direct
descendant Estella Graham
who related the story that at her own birth she had nearly
died from congestion and after her mother Annie had puffed
steam into her lungs all night the doctor declared she was
going to live. So her father Lou set out to register the birth,
only to be confronted by, as Estella recalled, "that
wretched woman (who) rushed up saying my name was to be Rivke
Bina". Annie replied, "The child's name is Estella."
It was clear Rebecca (aka Bina Rivke or Rivke Bina)
wanted to have her granddaughter named after her. Annie and
Lou decided that as a compromise they would insert the middle
name 'Bessie' which they thought looked or sounded a bit like
'Bina'. Hence her full name Estella Bessie Graham (also
see Para. 9).
from Rabbi Mark Solomon:
'Binah' would have been Rebecca's first Hebrew name, meaning
'understanding'. The hebrew letter 'mem' in front of it stands
for the honorific 'Marat' meaning 'mistress'. 'Binah Rivkah'
sounds like a slightly unusual combination, but not remarkably,
so either she was given this name from the outset or Binah
was added later due to a childhood illness (although 'Chayah'
was more usual.) It is noted that Binah is not spelt with
a 'heh' at the end, like the hebrew for 'understanding', but
with an 'alef', Yiddish fashion. It is not certain whether
this is the hebrew word with a yiddishised spelling or an
unrelated similar Yiddish woman's name. Kolatch Dictionary:
Bina from hebrew for 'knowledge', akin to Buna. Gorr says:
Bina & Bineh come from the spanish name 'Bunah', itself
from the spanish word buena=good; this diminutive form has
no connection with the hebrew name Binah which means 'understanding'
and is simply a phonetic coincidence.

by...relatives and friends"
(Goldberg) Graham
c. 1913
Louis Goldberg, Rebecca
and Nathan's son, had varied occupations, an assistant teacher
at 21, general outfitter at 23, outfitter at 24, rent collector
at 31, then a manager at a cabinet maker's at 47, was known
to have been employed by Victor's father Morris
Ruben (employing up to 200 workers in Shoreditch)
- another link between the families, and at 50 a factory manager.
Louis married on 27 June 1893, age stated as 23 (b. 3rd
quarter of 1869), in the New Synagogue, Annie
Rosenberg of 22 West India Dock Rd, Limehouse,
Stepney, aged 21. (This road was completed in 1810 to link
the docks to Commercial Rd. and was not a Jewish area; most
of the inhabitants serviced the docks.) Louis changed
his surname to GRAHAM
in an advertisement in the London Gazette in 1916, during
WW1 (see below); his children also adopted this name.
His death not yet known.
& Esther
memorial stone
Louis Rosenberg (aka Lewis), was Annie's father;
he, a tailor of 30 Cable St, married in Mar 1862 at Great
Synagogue Chambers, aged 25 [so born 1836-7] Esther Isaacs,
also 25, of Short St, Spitalfields; both unable to write in
English and so signed Register with a mark (as with her
mother-in-law Rebecca in 1873). He was naturalized by
of 18 Feb 1868, having resided in England for "at least
ten years" (so arrived
1858 or before), which was signed in

It is believed that this signature ends with the additional
name "Yitzak", while his headstone reads "Yehuda
Leib son of Michael". He was described as an Outfitter,
aged 30, born 1838, and a native of Lenczicz in Poland acc'g
to this naturalisation cert. This town appears on 1814 map
(below) as Lencicz, known in Yiddish as Lenczyc
(now Łęczyca, a medieval town in Lodz Province 70+ miles west
of Warsaw; approx. 52.066667, 19.216667). The Jewish cemetery there is
now covered over with houses though three gravestones have been preserved in the town's museum. There is no Jewish
population today as all were deported or fled during WW2.
(See history

In 1793
w. Mazovia was seized from Poland by Prussia. Lencicz (L.
of centre) became part of the Congress K'dom of Poland under
Russian rule 'til WW1.
~ Click
to view full map (large file) ~
According to this
naturalisation petition he had two children at this time,
had lived 7 yrs at 6 Cable St, St Mary, Whitechapel
as Lewis,
Outfitter; was at 30 Cable St at the time of his marriage
(Mar 1862) and listed in directories as Outfitter, 18 Cable
St, Wellclose Sq., 1871-82 (address is obscure, the sq.
is not on the st. but at rear), & Clothier, 22 W.
India Dock Rd, 1892; also directory as Lewis, Clothier, at
22 W.India Dock Rd and Clothier at above marriage and in his
probate; he (presumably seriously ill at the time of her
wedding), died a week after Annie's marriage, aged 55
(56 in Burial Auth'n) of nephritis on 4 July 1893 [JC "In
Memorial" notice for Lewis,
"not forgotten", unsigned, 1894], buried W.
Ham F12/04, a tall monument topped by an urn, inscribed "Lewis
Rosenberg mourned by wife, children, relatives and friends";
member Poplar Syn., effects £284, grant to widow Esther
and son Eliasz Rosenberg (one of 3 brothers, a witness
at the wedding), fruiterer.
His wife Esther
died 24 April 1909, at 88 Norroy Rd, Putney. (Estella remembered
living with her own parents at this house, walking daily to
school across the High Street, and frequently seeing the poet
Swinburne taking his daily constitutional from Putney Heath
to Wimbledon Common - Swinburne himself dying just 14 days
before Esther. She also recalled The Green Man public house,
drinking ginger beer in the sun, and flying a kite while her
father, Louis Goldberg, played billiards inside; subsequently
joining the children at play until the walk down the hill
home for dinner. She said that during Esther's illness neighbours
respectfully laid straw on the cobbled street to quieten the
sound of passing horses' hooves and the accompanying carriages.)
Esther's effects were valued at £24 (compare the
estates of Isaac: £1,221 in 1921; Jane: £8,421
in 1928; Suchar: no probate in 1901). She was buried adjacent
to Louis (same headstone) plot 05; member New Synagogue.
Plashet and West Ham are closed cemeteries and can only be
visited by appointment. Their joint memorial is still in very
good condition (see left). Hebrew on headstone translates
as: "Yehuda Leib, son of Michael".

in Berlin

6 Cable
St in 2004

Graham, 1920,
a posthumous portrait
Estella Graham
Nathan Percy Graham (known as "Percy"
- link to biography) was Louis & Annie's eldest
son (grandson of Rebecca), born Limehouse, August 1895, engineer
by profession but had literary ability; died from effects
of war service. Was awarded British War Medal, Victory
Medal and Silver War Badge.
medals: Silver War Badge (right) awarded during his lifetime;
British War Medal (left) and Victory Medal (centre) were returned
to War Office unclaimed as he had already died and family
presumably moved. Roll mouse over image to see reverse
or click for background info.
Poems privately published posthumously (with a brief memoir
by Dr Benjamin I. Evans), d 20 Jun 1920, probate address
3 Heathland Rd, Stoke Newington, effects £121, administration
to his father Louis Graham, factory manager. Victor
Ruben had copy of this book, bequeathed to Bryan Diamond
(presumably from Victor's father Morris who had employed Percy's
father Louis) which reconfirms this relationship. Percy's
siblings were Edward (Eddie), Estella (Stella)
(1900-96, illustrated the book of poems) and Alan
(1911-58, died suddenly of meningitis, buried at East Ham,
XC 8/688), who married a Roman Catholic, Patricia Ferguson,
and had two children (raised by their surviving mother
in the Catholic faith): Janet (b.1952) and Philip
Graham (b.1955).

Graham family c.1918
Back row l-r: Percy, Stella, Eddie. Front: Louis, Alan, Annie
Personal communications:
- Victor Ruben ca 1970-95
- Claude Diamond ca 1970-90
- Estella Graham ca 1985-1996, including taped conversations
JGSGB mailbase communications:
- Prof. Judith Romney Wegner re name "Leib"
- Rosemary Wenzerul re Ebenezer Square Jewish residents
- Harold Pollins re wives designations in censuses
- Aubrey Jacobus, "The Ashkenazi Dutch Immigrant Community
in Spitalfields Mid 19th Century", talk to JGSGB Anglo
SIG, May 2004, an earlier Shemot article and emails
- Family bible of Flora Diamond
- "The Poems of N. P. Graham," privately printed,
Bristol, 1921
- Census of England & Wales:
1841: abstracts of Jewish-named residents in Ebenezer Sq.,
JGSGB Library, pamphlets
1861: RG9 210 /18 p1 (Ebenezer Sq)
1871: RG10/475/50 p28 (Gascoyne Ter.); RG10/50 9/32 p23 (Freeman
1881: RG11 0436/4 p2 (Commercial St); RG11/0394/6 p5 (Hoxton
1891: RG12/275/83 p30 (Spital Sq)
1901: RG13 222/63/17/104 (Colvestone Cresc) - No. 31, Rebecca,
No 45 Louis
- Court Service, Probate Dept (Principal registry of Family
Division), indexes 1893, 1905 /09 /20
- Guildhall Library, City of London Land tax assessment 1863
& 4, MS 113/6/453 & 454 , Portsoken Ward Parish rate,
St Botolph Aldgate, Houndsditch precinct, Sept 1859, MS 2545/65
- Land tax returns, MS 6020/13 p52 1871/2 Gascoigne Pl &
6008A/10 p67 1872/3 Freeman St
- London Metropolitan Archive, film X 091/18, MBW renumbering
order in 1888 & plan No 3983, Church Row
- Tower Hamlets Archive, St Matthew Bethnal Green Parish Rate
Book 1878, BG 268 (Club Row), 269( Gasc Pl) Notices of Intended
Marriage, Bethnal Green, 1873 (given 29 July)
- General Register Office:
Births: Amelia GOLDBERG 1863, Nathan Percy GOLDBERG
Marriage: Louis GOLDBERG & Annie ROSENBERG 1893,
Alexander DIAMOND & Rebecca GOLDBERG
Deaths: Nathan GOLDBERG
Births index: 1869, Louis GOLDBERG
- Index to Naturalisations and Denizations, https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C75765
- JewishGenJRI website Poland Film no.730157
- HO 1/146/5691, Naturalization, Louis Rosenberg
- Burial Society of The United Synagogue, lists of burials,
Burial Authorisations Nos. 401, 581, 847.
- Archive of the Chief Rabbi, Marriage Registration, Louis
Rosenberg & Esther Isaacs, Burial register 13 Feb 1872,
Nathan Goldberg
- Myer Solomon's Circumcision Register (re 1818 Ebenezer Square)
- Univ. of Southampton Library, Special Collections,
Jewish archives,
MS 284, Papers of the Home & Hospital for Jewish Incurables,
- Genealogists' Magazine, Sep 1992,
p87, Jewish Marriages & Divorces in England until 1940,
Charles Tucker
- Jewish Chronicle notices of birth in issues dated 27.7 1894,
2.8 1901, deaths 31.8.1905, in memoriam 27.7 1894
- London Gazette, 25 Jul 1916 , p7381 change of name
- Shemot, Vol.7,1 pp34-39, The Dutch Ashkenazi community in
Spitalfields in the 19th c., Aubrey Jacobus
- Heritage: An Historical Series on the Jews of North London,
No1, 1982, "The Jews of Tottenham before the Great War",
Jeffrey & Barbara Baum (re the Jewish residents around
the Home; has picture)
- Board of Guardians for the relief of the Jewish Poor, Annual
reports, London 1899-1905
- Kelly's Post Office Directory of London, Streets and Commercial
sections from 1871
& other publications:
- Certificates of Naturalisation 1844-1900
under Acts of 1844 and 1870, Index to Names, HMSO, 1908
- The Register of Persons Entitled to Vote in the Election
of Members of Parliament for the City of London..1863-4, 1863
- BLACK, Gerry, J.F.S: The History of the Jews' Free School,
London, since 1732, 1998 (pl xxxv)
- BOOTH, Charles, Life & Labour of the People in London,
iii(4), p152 re Jews in Dalston
- COWAN, Anne & Roger, Victorian Jews Through British
Eyes, 1986 (p98 pic of JFS Hall, p121 Soup Kitchen)
- GORR, Shumel, Jewish Personal Names: Their Origin, Derivation
& Diminutive Forms, Avotaynu, 1992 (re 'Bina')
- FISHMAN, Wm. J., East End 1888: A year in a London borough
among the labouring poor, 1988; p224 cites London Advertiser
18 Aug 18888 re gas lights.
- KOLATCH, Alfred J, Complete Dictionary of English &
Hebrew First Names, NY, 1984
- LEVIN, Salomon s, Changing Pattern of Jewish Education,
in 'A Century of Anglo-Jewish Life 1870-1970 (1971?), at p58
- LCC, List of the Streets & Places within the Administrative
County of London, 1901
- MARKS, Lara, Carers & Servers of the Jewish Community:
The Marginalized Heritage of Jewish Women in Britain, in KUSHNER,
Tony (ed), The Jewish Heritage in British History, 1992 at
- MAYHEW, Henry, London Labour and the London Poor, revised
- NAGGAR, Betty, Jewish Pedlars and Hawkers 1740-1940, 1992
(refers to immigration, move out from center, old clothes
dealers, Zangwill story, and bags for clothes)
- NISSEL, Muriel, People Count: A history of the General Register
Office, HMSO, 1987, pp25-6 (births)
- OLDLAND, Fr John, A History of the Parish & Church of
St Matthew Bethnal Green, pamphlet, 1989
ROLLINS, A. R., "Russo-Jewish Immigrants in England before
1881", Trans. JHSE XXI, p202, 1968
- ROTTENBERG, Dan, Finding Our Fathers: A Guide to Jewish
Genealogy, NY, 1977, p329 (Rubinstein)
- TAYLOR, Rosemary & C Lloyd, The East End at Work, Tower
Hamlets Local History Library, 1999 (p96, pic of Club Row
Bird Fair)
WEINREB, Ben & C. HIBBERT, The London Encyclopaedia, 1992
- Victoria County History of Middlesex, Vol 9, Bethnal Green,
1998, pp109 & 159, Vol 10, Hackney, 1995, pp14 & 32
- Jewish East London: coloured map of population as at 1899,
by George Arkell, in "The Jew in London" by Russell
& Lewis, 1901
- Stanfords Library Map of London and its suburbs 1862,
reprinted MOTCO 2001
- Ordnance Survey Map of London, 5 inch, 1874, London/Middx,
Sheets VII 47 & 67, 1898, sheet LXIII (Shoreditch)
- Parish of Bethnal Green map, 1848 (Gascoigne Place)
John Snow's map of London 1859 (Church Row)
Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB), "A
Guide to 37 Spital Square London", leaflet nd ca 1998
to genealogical chart abstracted from full
GRAHAM/GOLDBERG data to show persons mentioned here.