Nathan Percy Graham portrait
Percy Graham, 1920,
a posthumous portrait
by Estella Graham

THE POEMS OF N. P. GRAHAM (1895-1920)

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–~–~– His Eyes were Globes –~–~–
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HIS eyes were globes of limpid light,
Like silver fired that shine
Through darkness on a frosty night,
Their (lustre) seeking mine.
They had an air of radiance
My mind could not explain,
A kind of haunting brilliance
Like fragrance after rain.
He had found "truth", he simply said,
As though it might have been
The latest cure for aching head
Or tonic for the spleen.
Something about him gripped my gaze –
His quiet mode of speech –
The miracles of olden days
Seemed well within his reach.
"We are all dead men – every one,
But life is in us all . . ."


Something about him gripped my gaze.

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–~–~– His Eyes were Globes –~–~–
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Above illustration by Estella Bessie Graham, 1920 >

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